ArtPride keeps you updated on the issues facing New Jersey's arts community and the actions you can take to support our state's creative industry. Want to stay informed? See the Bill Tracker and sign up below to start receiving Action Alerts by email and we'll let you know how you can help ensure lawmakers and community leaders at the local, state, and federal levels are informed about the impact the arts have on the lives of all New Jerseyans.

Support Federal Arts Education Funding for National Arts in Education Week

As we approach National Arts in Education Week, you can reach out to Members of Congress asking them to support adequate Arts Education funding at the federal level.  

In December 2015, Congress passed bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA) in a landslide vote. ESSA, the current iteration of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), includes art and music in the definition of a "well-rounded education." Within ESSA, there are several opportunities for the federal government to fund and support equitable access to Arts Education for K-12 students around the country. This...

Support the Arts Education for All Act

Encourage your member of Congress to support and cosponsor the Arts Education for All Act, introduced by Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Chellie Pingree (D-ME), and Teresa Leger Fernandez (D-NM). Representative Bonamici, the lead sponsor,  and top champion of arts in education and equitable access to these critical services

The Arts Education for All Act is the broadest arts education policy bill ever introduced in Congress and includes key provisions that will support and encourage the offering of arts education and programming experiences to Americans including our youngest learners, K-12 students, and young people impacted by...

Support the Live Theatre Tax Credit Bill (S3503)

The Live Theatre Tax Credit Bill (S3503) aims to augment New Jersey's arts and entertainment industry by incentivizing commercial live entertainment producers to choose our state as a destination for launching pre-Broadway productions and/or national tours, through mutually beneficial partnerships with New Jersey nonprofit theaters. With the recent film tax credit as a percent, the live theatre tax credit will be crucial for enhancing New Jersey's competitiveness with neighboring states, and has the potential to boost New Jersey’s economy by generating jobs, increasing local, regional, and out-of-state tourism, and ensuring that it remains a...

Thank Gov. Murphy for protecting dedicated arts funding for NJ

Please take a moment to thank Governor Murphy and your district legislators for protecting dedicated funding for arts and culture in the FY25 New Jersey state budget. Please feel free to add your story of how important state funding is in your community and the arts and cultural organizations in your legislative district.

Remember that advocacy is all about building and cultivating relationships, and is something we can do all the time. Keeping your elected officials informed and engaged in your important work is critical to fostering the relationships that will support the sustainability of the arts long into the future. Stay in touch...

Support the Continued Post-Covid Recovery of the Arts Sector

The arts and cultural sector is a crucial industry that contributes significantly to our economy and the quality of life of the state’s residents. But it is still struggling to recover from the impacts of the pandemic. Organizations are still at risk of closing and vital community programs are in danger of being cut.

Please urge your elected officials to support the passage of S2016/A3584 to provide as much as $70M in American Rescue Plan funds for the continued recovery of the sector. In addition to helping organizations recoup lost revenue, the bill would also support the expansion and creation of arts education programs, as well as fund...

Stay Informed

ArtPride keeps you updated on the issues facing New Jersey's arts community and the actions you can take to support our state's creative industry. Want to stay informed? Sign up to start receiving Action Alerts today.

See the Bill Tracker and sign up below to start receiving Action Alerts by email and we'll let you know how you can help ensure lawmakers and community leaders at the local, state, and federal levels are informed about the impact the arts have on the lives of all New Jerseyans.